Saturday, February 13, 2016

Glitter Bombed

For about 6 months now, whenever Friday morning rolls around I'm generally pretty punchy. Lately there's been a major up tick in my daily workload and my weekly hours have been 6am-6pm or later Monday through Thursday, 6am-4pm on Friday, and 6am-12pm Saturdays Each day with it's own hour long round trip commute. Total amount of time is 70 hours (or more) a week involving my lovely little factory. So by Friday, I'm usually pretty wiped, with yesterday being no exception.

So when Edohatrem Inur made an offhanded comment about Mighty Mouse dying in a lot of fire, it legitimately made me break down into a fit of live, actual laughter, which I then told him that it probably made me laugh too much. I'm not really sure how, but apparently Edo took this as some kind of challenge and decided that the only way to respond was to reply to every single tweet that I have sent out that he could find. As it turns out, the last publicly available tweets that I had made were done on Halloween last year.

For the uninitiated, Edo is Signal Cartel's resident bittervet, affectionately dubbed "The Glittervet" by the rest of us. He passes his time by telling the rest of us how terrible we are, making remarkably random comments everywhere he can, getting into arguments with Mynxee, declaring that every Corp project or philosophy is too nice and will fail, and generally seeing just what he can get away with saying in Alliance chat. I hope he never realizes how absolutely adorable he is at all this, because I'd be worried he'd stop.

Anyway, back to the twitterverse. At first, I wasn't exactly sure why Edo was commenting on a picture of my Halloween decorations, but I took it in stride and replied back. And then another reply to another tweet in October. And then another. And more. And then into November. Everything I had thrown out on Twitter since October 31, 2015. I ran a quick bit of math to figure up that I average about 14.5 tweets per day (thought it'd be higher) which worked up to roughly 1400 potential comments for Edo to sift through.

At that point, I needed to make a decision. Muting him would do no good because I'd still have to continuously clear out the notifications. Unfollowing would be equally useless as he already had my account in his sights. I could have outright blocked, but he seemed fairly determined and I was worried it might spill out into other venues. So I just had to sit back and be in it for however long he wanted to do it.

At one point, I realized the 70 or so people who follow both of us were going to be equally spammed, and sure enough my tweets from 4 months ago started getting a fresh round of likes and retweets. And then the confusion started setting in over what the hell was going on. And Edo just kept plugging away. Every now and then I replied to him, but I did try to restrain myself there. Somewhere around hour eight I stopped altogether, mainly because others were getting mad at me (don't blame em).

I got several messages from folks asking why he was doing it. A few suggested I report him for harrassment, but truth is I thought a lot of it was funny. Besides, if I can survive an avalanche of death threats for my political leanings, a guy continuously berating me on Twitter is comparatively cute.

15 hours after the first strike of Glitterggeddon 2016, he finally made it to the end of the line. After I pointed out that somehow I had inspired him to use Twitter (a sight he has constantly said he hates) for 15 solid hours, he stopped. Somewhere along the way,he had admitted that the whole reason he had done it was because he had misread one of my comments and thought it was a challenge. So not only did I inspire him, I somehow managed to do so in a way where he tricked himself into spending 15 straight hours on a website he doesn't like.

I don't know how I did it, but I'll take it. It may have irritated a lot of folks, but it made my Friday fly by.

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